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Ways to Apply Gargir Benefits

Saturday, 9 April 2011 , Posted by Octa at Saturday, April 09, 2011

I have written about gargir generally and its benefit here, that it used for smoothing urine. And also it used for preventing from hair loss and it can be a medicine for burns. And now, I want to show you some ways for applying those benefits.
You can consume gargir for many benefits I’ve showed you in the former article by eating/consuming it rawly. But for preventing hair dropping, you have to dash 15 gr  gargir with 50 gr of alcohol and a teaspoon of flower of rose. It is applied to hair for two consecutive weeks.
And for using gargir as a medicine of burns, you have to crush a bundle of it completely, and then you dash it with a tablespoon of zaitun oil. And then it is dabbed to the wound.

And for using gargir as medicine of smoothing urine, you have to poach about three bundles of it with an onion in 2 liters of water. Leave it until the water are boiling and subside by half. Raise and leave it until cold, and drink one glass of it in the morning, and one glass again in afternoon.
Is it so simple? Then try it when you visit Egypt, because gargir is very popular within Egyptian, and this ways are said by Egyptian. I don’t know about gargir existence in other countries.

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