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The Capital Of Troubles 2

Thursday, 21 April 2011 , Posted by Octa at Thursday, April 21, 2011

I wrote about a visible images of Cairo’s troubleness here. Until now, I still find the experiences of those troubleness, from the worst case until the funniest. Like last night, I went to Thala’i sport stadium with many friends for one event by bus. The event ended at about 8 pm, and because we are many buddies, may be more than 50, so we wanted to charter a vacant bus for going back. And directly we found the vacant bus yang sedang melaju in front of the stadium.
The bus is subsidized bus, and of course it has official servant driver. But the driver didn’t know the road exactly to our destination. For the first, he drove the bus to flyover until we went far astray to Tahrir, side of Nile river. But I really wondered that the driver didn’t own up with his ‘not knowing’. If he talked to us that he doesn’t know the road exactly before he drove the bus, we certainly will arrive in our destination fastly, and of course he would get extra profit.

In the end, he drove back to the same road and two of my friends who sat beside the driver informed to him the correct road to our destination in simple strips. And of course some friends made a many jokes with their sentences or songs during the losingway. That made us consoled and hiding our errorness.
That may be the one of impacts from road subtly in Cairo (?). And many funny experiences I had during ride the public busses there. Like sometimes the driver drops some passangers arbitrarily when he changes the strip suddenly because the road ahead is completely jammed. Or the more serious than that, like me and some passangers. When the bus was already close to my destination, the driver menurunkan all of the passangers suddenly, whereas no any traffic jam, and he drove the bus back to road that has been passed. He did that without any solution, like giving half of our money back or preparing replacement buss which is going to our destination.
And there are many experiences I had with these errors, and of course many people here are also like me. But may be Egyptian are already familiar with these errors. I hope the public transport of Cairo will be good more and more.

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