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Delicious Cumin Seeds With Fish Eel

Friday, 17 June 2011 , Posted by Octa at Friday, June 17, 2011

Cumin is also popular within Egyptian. First I heard this one from an African when he was cooking. He said that it is good for digestion. He showed me the powder of cumin, its brown. It has characteristic smell and so aromatic. So I remembered some actions in televisions advertising, when the mother is cooking with a special spice, then her husband and child act so aromatic. And I like the smell, and of course don’t ask me how its taste.
Turns out, cumin is one of good herb foods. It contains some nutrients, like:
375 of calories
22.27 of fats
1,53 of saturated fats
44.24 of carbohydrates
10.5 of fibers
17.81of proteins
0 of cholesterol

Some Cumin Benefits
And do you know how to fulfil and optimize the benefits of cumin? Here I want to tell you about it. You have to cook cumin with fish eel, and you will get full nutrients and full deliciousness. Lets try this way:
Estimate 1 kg of fish eels. Then after you clean them, stain them (outside and inside of them bodies) with salt, black pepper, little of thyme. Keep the them in the oven tray and pour him a cup of olive oil. In other tray, pour little of olive oil, cumin, vinegar, chilli, thyme, garlic, coriander and parsley. And then, kned the dough stain the half of the dough on the fish and enter it on the oven, with fire 180 until maturity. After it finished, take the fish and put on the remaining a tray and pour the remaining sauce on it.
Make condiment from soy sauce, cayenne pepper and very little olive oil, kned them and heat it on the crock. Eat the fish with this soy sauce, it will be very delicious. And here also other benefits of cumin seeds.
You can make cumin seeds for medicine. You can use them for the treatment of colic in children. Fill a small cloth bag with seeds and then heat and place it over the abdomen, massage the abdominal wall with oil to relieve intestinal colic and expulsion of gases and relieve the pain of the lower abdomen. Also, the oil (of cumin seeds) can be used for massaging place of rheumatic pain of the heart. to make the oil, prepare amount of seeds, olive oil (more than seeds) and equal part of wine or alcohol white and bring them to boil the wine or alcohol and rub the subject of pain with this oil, and than cover the subject with clean and warm bandage.

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