Wednesday, 9 March 2011
, Posted by Octa at Wednesday, March 09, 2011
When I was in the ends of Ramadhan (last year), I went to Mutsallas to join a little discuss in one of the Indonesian students communities in Egypt. That community is teologic faculty senate of al-Azhar University. But incidentally, I was one of the management personals of the community. So I had to join in the management work of the discuss, not to join as participants. The discuss got started after Ashar and would be ended before maghrib. All of every thing that planed were done, except foods, there were some of them those unprepared. So my chief gave me duty to buy them. In short, I had got some except ‘bumbu pecel’ (it is a kind of Indonesian foods that made from peanuts and chili as the materials prime).
I had researched it around Mutsallas and Gami’ (next of Mutsallas) but zero; I got nothing. Besides there are many Indonesian small rastaurants in both of them. So I had to go to a Indonesian small restaurant in Bawabah (next of Gami’ but its so farish from Mutsallas), because people know it always has Bumbu Pecel. Really, I was very tired, because I researched it around Mutsallas and Gami’ by foot! In the mean time, my hour hand showed that Maghrib would arrive nearly. It was impossible I gone there by foot again. I was near in yield, and felt better I went back without it. But Bumbu Pecel was very prime, because without it the food were would been nothing, and it would disappoint all of participants. I debated inward. So I went to get it in a pinch, and I decided to go by bus. Oh Allah, please, may you count me in men whom are sincere.
But I was very peevish when some tramcos (kind of mini public transport) did not care about me (and may be others) when I stoped them, besides they were vacant. “Damn! What time is it?. Maghrib would arrive after 20 minutes”, I yelled inward. So after about 7 minuts of my standing, I decided to ride by mini bus that the tariff more expensive than tramco, although I only had little distances (I mean for that ride). And before 15 minutes I had arrived in the restaurant. I saw people had prepared the things for breaking fast. O..I really wanted to toss down some drink in to my windpipe.
But I felt glady because I got bumbu pecel there fastly altought when i left, sound of adzans (sound of pray call) began to fill the air. Then I hurry walked to small market inside high road to buy some drink. Alhamdulillah (sentence of thank you to my God Allah) I felt very fresh in my body with this drink. But I was still in rushed, because the food has to be prepared perfectly after people prayed Maghrib. So I came back with taxi, after two taxis irresponsived to me before. And the driver of the taxi was very kind, there was a guy beside him, I thought he was him friend so I sit behind. He (I mean driver) gave me a bottle of drink, but I letted it down easy because I had drink. Then he gave me some small biscuits, I letted it down easy again but he do wanted me to receive his gift. So I took it from him. “Thank you”, I said. “Your welcome”, he said then.
After a few metres, the guy beside him outted of the car. He gave the some money to the driver, but the driver rejected it. I just thought they were be friends, so the guy only made a platitude.
When the car has reached the fork in the street, it nearly walked straight. But I hurry warned the driver to turn right the car, and he said “oh, sorry” politely, and then he done my warning. O, I felt wonder, may be he was the first taxi driver the most polite I have ever encountered, in Egypt and (may be) in my life. I had experienced the same event, but in other taxi, the driver asked me to pay more before he do my warning, but he didn’t want until I debated him.
Both of them were very different. I continue, after only 7 minutes I arrived, and I stoped the car. When I asked a cost, he said “you want to pay or not, it’s up to you”. What? I said inward. I just shocked for a moment. Yes, he was really kind. Until I thought the way to repay him. So I asked him “I want to pay, how much?”. Then he said “it’s also up to you how much you’ll pay”. Then I said “I pay you only three pounds” while I gave him five pounds. It was cheaper than regular cost. He gave me two pounds, and said to me “kullu ‘am wa antum bi khoir” (it is a congratulation and praying sentences in Arabic, it is a famous sentence to Arabian). I really wondered with him. I just said same sentences and thank you to him, then I hurry came back.
I pray inward, may Allah gives his goodness and mercies to him, amin.
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